19 August 2007


Imagine music, great music coursing through your entire body. The beat consumes you and your being is moving from the inside out. First you let your head go swaying to the beat, then you move your shoulders from side to side, back and forth, then your hips and waist jive to the rhythm of the music, then come your feet, oh your feet are moving at a speed you didn't quite think was possible. Your whole body is moving, moving, moving. It is enlivening and the most "Get Down Boogie Free Form Dance" imaginable.

On Friday, I saw the best concert in the world. They were, Monobloco and Bloco Bleque. Simply put, SPECTACULAR!
Inside this funky little wooden gazebo type deal, overlooking the ocean with palm trees, and a warm breeze, there were crammed over 2,000 people, yes that is TWO THOUSAND people. Bodies were so close there was barely room to dance, but we managed, oh yes, we managed to dance!


Mom said...

Wow! Go, girl!

You paint a vivid picture that I've only read about.
Enticing and vibrant; that's what I imagine Brazil to be. And the Samba? Perhaps the most soulful expression of dance on the planet.

Thank you.

Christina Sell said...

I am enjoying hearing about your journey- Both the outer travels as well as the inner journey it is to be far away from home in a different culture on a great adventure.

I can absolutely picture you dancing with your beautiful, natural grace and ease- thousands of miles from Arizona but perfectly at home in your body. It is a nice vision.

Keep dancing. Keep writing.

Sending you much love.

Lady_Chex said...

oh my goodness i'm so glad to hear that you are doing well in brazil. your entries are so vivid its almost like i am right there with you! it sounds so beautiful and cultural. i wish you luck in all that you do there. i will keep readin all that you post. much love!!


Alyssa Jade said...

I got shivers reading that! It seems to fit you perfectly.

Unknown said...

it's alsways so great to hear from you (even wheny ou're in arizona!) - i love the visual and auditory descriptions you write - maybe writing will be another creative expression for you!

the concept of personal space is so different in many non-western countries - here we seem to need so much of it - i'm glad you're connecting with the culture and soaking it in

here's to more delightful experiences and sharing them with us

keep having the timeof your life!


Tazz said...

Sounds like a blast! Ive been working on a Brazilian beat the last few weeks, its way fun to play but its only one beat, so I can imagine you've heard some Great music on you adventure.

Peace out!