12 August 2007

Father's Day in Brazil

Today is Father's Day here in Brazil and this morning I went to church with the Borbosas (my host family). Wow, no one here can be tone deaf. It is absolutely impossible. I mean for the 20 minutes that they sang it was as if I was in a cathedral filled with hundreds of people, but instead it was about fifteen max-impecable to say the least. After, we had lunch here and the house we ate and drank and played cards! (Such a wonderful universail game!) I am swiftly becomeing the "best" playing at the game HOLE (a rough translationg, but that's the jist of it).

I am finally beginning to settle into life here in Vitoria. I am slowing finding my placeby being patient, always smiling, and doing my best to understand Portuguese. It is said to be one of the most difficult languages to learn.

Tomorrow starts my official teaching lessons. wish me luck and thanks to those who have commented! I do read them!

Love always

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