22 August 2007

Excellent Beer

Good friends, great food, and excellent beer make up the perfect evening. To night I want out with my neighbors, and thier children, both of whom are just my same age, and we ate the best steak I have EVER had in my life, served with powdered corn, chilies and salsa, not to mention really good beer - sweet and smooth with a nice aftertaste; and the best part was I got to have my very OWN bottle! None of that "sneaking little sips at the dinner table." Oh no! This was served to me in my very own glass! Ha! What a novelty!

Brazilians, and anyone for that matter who can speak Portuguese, are very intellegent. They have words for things that we Americans can't even pronounce let alone allow into our vocabulary! They are such intellegent people, I just wish I could understand HALF the things being said. They talk so quickly and with such enthusiasm, that I can only pick up the intonations of their conversations, which is great, but I really would like to be PART of their discussion.

I also like the fact that when someone does somehting that you don't like, you don't just call them one bad name in Portuguese, oh no, you string together a whole stream of awful things and say them with a force meant only for the table or chair upon which you stubbed your toe!

Also, don't ever complain about bad drivers agian, until you have been to Brazil. Stop signs-none existent, cross walks-yeah right (fear for your life when you cross the street), stop lights-just a suggestion (even the red ones!). People drive so close to one another that you might as well just RELAX, or become oblivious, because when you get out of the car, your nerves will be a big knot and fried over REALLY hot oil. Oh, and into that mix, add horse drawn carts, filled with pineapples, and garbage! WHAT A TRIP! This place is awsome!

I have been to the beach three days running. I hope to make tomorrow my fourth, weather permitting. (And for all the mothers out there, yes, I DO use suncreen!)

Hope all is well in your lives.
Much love and many good thoughts.

Kiss, Kiss

1 comment:

Clelia said...

It sounds fantastic! Your writing really is strong and gets the mood across so vividly that it brings back memories from my own youthful travels! The beer, the music, the foreign language that sounds so compelling, especially when you are not yet in a place to fully understand it. (In Taiwan I would sit on the bus and think everyone was talking about philosophy or Buddhism or the Tao, when they probably were just talking about their annoying coworkers and grocery lists...but you never know....)And the life-force you describe--it sounds so juicy and inspiring. IT defenitely seems like a place that fits you well! Keep the great writing flowing, and thanks for the pictures to go with it, too.