30 October 2007

Food Orgy

Success! I made dinner for the family last night. I cooked for ten people, but it was more like fifteen because my Brazilian family eats a lot! It was a perfect evening of cooking and talking, well, them talking and me listening to the language that has become like a familiar tune, with a few translations here and there. (I have vowed to learn Portuguese for when I return!)

“A food orgy,” as my Brazilian sister, Paola, said. Yes, at the end of the night, which turned into early morning, we where all sprawled on the floor just like kids because it was too hot and we where too full to do anything except be flat on our backs, just like Rodolfo, the dog.

And thank god for Frank Sinatra, he is a genius at making those who listen dance and sing, even if you don’t know all the lyrics. Try it sometime when you are expecting company, put him on, loud, and see what happens!

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