31 October 2007

Beautiful Potential

Saying “See you later,” instead of “goodbye,” it seems more appropriate and it’s easier on the heart. I have come to adore this city full of people, full of life and love. This morning, my last full day in Vitória, I went for a walk on the beach I have become so fond of and saw its beauty for what it is, simply beautiful. I realize just how lucky we are to be alive. Each day is a creative endeavor we just have to choose to fulfill that potential of every moment to be spectacular.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has read my blog. It is great to know that you are all thinking of me and I feel your thoughts and prayers. I will continue to write so please keep reading!

The next adventure begins as I return home to regroup, share stories, and see what happens next.

Warm regards, because summer is upon us in the Southern Hemisphere and I hear it’s getting cold up North.

Tchau for now.

1 comment:

schadenfreude said...

beautiful! time flies. it was amazing to read about your experiences shinay, hopefully we will cross paths soon!